Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Transportation in America

  America is an always moving society, and transportation is trying to get you to places faster, and more efficient. In order to get to these places that we are hurrying to, Americans have many different modes of transportation. For example to get to places in America you could use a car, plane, train, bus, or boat among many other things. You can use these modes of transportation to go far or short distances, but they all have a cost. If you're trying to get across the country you could use a plane, because it gets you there faster than any other transportation, but, in turn it will cost you more money in order to get on the plane, rather than going by train or car. You may ask why would someone pay extra money to get there faster when they could get there a little later with a low cost. Millions of people fly on planes each day because they are busy, and don't have time to waste in a car or on a train. Money is the driving force of America, and the transportation industry gives our economy a very big boost, and not only the plane industry, but cars as well. In Michigan, the state we are from, automobiles drive both us and our economy. Cars are an essential need in our society, and nearly every American has one. Roads cover most of America, with hustle and bustle everywhere. Buying a car is one of the biggest investments in an American's life, and there are a lot of variables to think about. How much gas will it guzzle? How much is the insurance in case you crash it? All of these worries deal with money, and how much will you have to spend or save. Time and money are something that Americans feel as if they can never get back, so they try to make the most of both.

    With all of this danger involved with driving a car or flying on a plane, America needs to advance its technology in order to keep everyone safe. For example, in almost every new car commercial they tell you how many safety awards the car has won, and how you will always be the safest in that specific car. Now it is a standard that cars can sense if you are getting too close to a car in front of you, it can brake for itself, and if you get in a crash it can alert the police for you. Even in something as large as a plane, there is a way that the plane can fly itself to the specific location with little help from humans. All of these technological advances are made to keep us all safe, and also to try and make traveling as easy as possible for us. Many Americans depend on this in order to function and travel, and we would not be as safe without it.

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