Friday, October 30, 2015

Traditions and Celebrations

In America, the aspects of traditions and celebrations have drastically changed since when we first founded our nation. The idea of celebrating Christmas in public schools now is frowned upon when 100 years ago, there was nothing else to teach. Teachers hesitate to put any holiday decorations because the fear that a student might be offended. Although schools don't allow  the celebration of holidays, many workplaces, malls, and restaurants make a living off of selling the idea of Christmas. Are the traditions that our country were raised on fading away? Respecting other peoples traditions can still be done while celebrating our own. Christmas vacation doesn't have to be turned into winter recess. Easter vacation doesn't have to turn into spring break. We can respect other celebrations while still having our own. American culture has twisted our holiday traditions to many peoples liking, yet still make other people angry at the idea of Christmas turning into x-mas.

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