Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Entertainment is a huge part of the American Culture, it is something that all Americans take part in, but do it many different ways. Entertainment can range from watching sports on TV, to playing a board game with friends or family. But, at the moment I will talk about something that most Americans take part in. Playing and watching sports. There are many different sports that we play and watch in the society today. Tennis, soccer, football, baseball, lacrosse, hockey, and softball are just a few of the major sports in America. But in addition to playing the sports on our own teams, we also watch the major leagues play on TV. We get so excited to see the team that we support play. We have turned it into a way of classifying ourselves. We judge other people based on what team they support, but it can also bring people together. People who support the same team always have something to talk about, and in the end it can result in a close friendship. So, why do sports have a large part of the American culture? Well, sports have uncovered a major character trait in most Americans. Something that keeps us playing and being active. What I am talking about is the longing to win. Competitiveness. This is such a huge part of the American culture because it is what drives us to do most of what we do. It drives us to be on top. To be the best in everything we do, a sports team or even a career. So that is why this way of entertaining ourselves is important, because it brings out something that lives inside of us. A trait that makes America different from other countries. A trait that brings us together. That is why our entertainment is a huge part of the American culture.

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