Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Protecting the Enviornment

The environment in the United States changes from region to region. In the north, the climate is cooler in the winter and receives more snow. In the south, the climate is more humid and/or dry with very high temperatures in the summer. There is at least one large city in every one of the 50 states. These cities are very populous and close together. These cities started forming around the early 1900s with the Industrial Revolution. During this time, many people crowded into cities working factory jobs in mass production factories. The factories used fossil fuels and they are currently being used so much that they are running out today. The United States is trying to reduce their fossil fuel use by using other methods of harnessing energy. Some of the main ones are solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass. Many skyscrapers and individual households use solar panels to collect energy from the sun. There are also windmill in windy places that generate energy from the wind. Hydroelectric power uses the Earth´s gravity with water. The water falls and turns large wheels that generate electricity. Lastly, biomass is harnessing energy from plants. Some scientists are working on different ways of doing this without burning trees.

Many people in the United States are trying to protect the environment. Many people recycle paper and plastics. They also try to conserve power and reduce their carbon footprint which is how much of an impact you leave on the environment. There are also local, state, and national parks that are preserved and are used for recreation. In general, people are trying to protect the environment. The United States has taken many steps to preserve nature. In my perspective, this is a global issue that needs to be a key factor in all areas of life. I think the United States has done some things that keep the environment clean, but I also think there is still much more America could do to become clean and energy efficient.

Below: Windmills and Solar Panels

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