Tuesday, October 20, 2015

American Beauty and the Environment's Affect on Culture

       One aspect of our culture is the environment. The United States is full of beauty from the Atlantic shores, to the Rocky Mountains. A long time ago, Americans believed in Manifest Destiny, which was that the United States was meant to expand west. In doing so Americans were able to claim some of the most peaceful lands on Earth. About 80% of people live in Urban areas or cities, about 94% of the United States is open rural areas, which indicates that the citizens of the United States are mainly accustomed to the city, with McDonald's always around the corner or a Starbucks every half block, and the majority of people have never visited a national park. National Parks were first created in 1872 by Theodore Roosevelt to save Americas beauty from being destroyed. Over half of the national forests have been destroyed for farm land or cities, and many Americans don't regret it, but many don't realize the importance of these forests.
        The environment in cities where the majority of citizens live, is polluted, population is abundant, and wildlife is nowhere to be seen. The ironic thing about most our national parks, is that a high percent of people who visit these persevered lands are foreigners from Europe or Asia. This indicates that American culture does not appreciate the beauty of America. This indicates that Americans are stubborn and ignorant, so they do not realize the importance of supporting the American National Parks. They are used to the fast paced life style in the city with anything you want at your fingertips, so they think that the rural beautiful areas are bad, and that been gout there would be miserable. Therefore people don't think National Parks are necessary. Have you ever considered taking a trip out to a National Park? What natural beauty exists in cities?
Image result for wildlife american beauty

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