Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Technology Usage in American Culture

With the introduction of widespread technology, many people have been drawn to the brightly colored world of games and apps you can interact with, abandoning the chance to communicate with people face to face. I am guilty of this, and have a predisposition to gravitate to my phone for the simple distraction. Yet when we pick up our phone at a social event, we lose  the opportunity to unwind, laugh, or make plans. We crowd our lives with digital notifications, and lead ourselves away from our own pleasures.

Phones also inhibit us from working. When I wanted the new iPhone, I reasoned with my parents that it was necessary because I needed to do my schoolwork on it, while in reality I’ve hardly spent any of my time working on my phone. We promise ourselves that if we get a phone, we will use it vigilantly with business, but it is a huge contribute to our procrastinating. The average American spends more than 2 hours per day playing on their phone, showing how we ignore our responsibilities.Yet, why do we do this to ourselves when we pay so much for the latest technology? We just really like to procrastinate.

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