Monday, October 19, 2015

Language- American Slang

Here in the United States Of America, we use lots of slang terms in most of our sentences. The most common word we use in our sentences is like. When we use the word, like, in our sentences, it is most commonly used as a filler word. ¨I literally had like one hundred shirts to get rid of, I had shirts in their from like preschool¨(Emily Herrmann). Normally like is used as a comparison word but clearly Americans have overused the word in different ways without a clue that they are doing it.  Another word that has really developed in America is the word dude. Normally when you are referencing a friend you call them dude. ¨Dude, did you see the game last night!?¨ Although this word is still around and commonly used it has also been evolving into Bro and Bra (Bruh). I normally hear these words in everyday conversation in the hallways and the lunchroom. The rest of the slang words are really just shortened versions of the original word. For example, jelly is the slang term of jealous. I have never really gotten how that happened but people seem to use it quite often. Another version of a shortened original is bae. Bae is an acronym for Before Anyone Else. Normally bae is used to describe some one close to you that you will do anything for.

So, how does this affect our culture? The slang terms we use defines America. Most other nations are grammatically correct, here in america, we just go to our slang words. It is kind of like our native tongue because we all know what we are saying to each other when we use the words like and bae. What I find funny is that most of us, including myself, don't even realize that we are speaking slang.

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