Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Entertainment - Music

Music is an important aspect of many cultures, America being one of them. I think that music is something that everyone knows, no matter where you live. American music is different: everyone has their own unique way of singing, rapping, playing their instrument, or just talking within music. Music is the basis of many parts on our society, like entertainment. You can listen to music almost anywhere in America. Most people have access to YouTube or online music. From there, they can access almost any song or rap throughout the world. Even without technology, music is still everywhere: people can sing in church, or by themselves, just a song that they heard or made up. Even though music involves a lot of technology, American use other things such as playing instruments. In our community, we have a school band, orchestra, and choir organization. Many students are involved in these programs. Personally, I love music. It helps me keep myself on task, while doing homework, or cleaning my room. I listen to music on the bus in the morning to keep myself awake, and to get ready for school. I listen to music on the way home too, when there is no one else to talk to. I listen to music with my friends when we just want to dance and forget about everything. I also play 2 instruments. I play music because I enjoy it-the rush it gives me when the perfect melody is played. I listen to music because it "pumps me up" for something. I love music, and I am sure many people in America do too.

Do you know how when a commercial comes on, or a sports team is going to be announced, there are certain so called theme songs that play? Most people know exactly whats's coming next or can recognize something just by the song. A popular example of this in our community today is the "John Cena" theme song. (Many students would recognize just the first four notes.) I recognize the first few notes of pieces such as Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, or the 1812 Overture. Everyone has their own "theme-song" but the point is that music is everywhere in American Culture.

I wonder what effect music has on other communities. I know that many types of music are popular in America. but I don't know very much about other counties. I want to know about their music.

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