Friday, October 23, 2015


Technology plays a very large role in society today. I never really realized how reliant our culture is on technology, and how much we take for granted. Looking around my classroom I see a cell phone at everyone's desk. My parents didn't have a cell phone until college, even then they were slow, and only calling and texting was available. Now we have thousands of apps we can download right at our fingertips. Weather it be games, planner's, photo editing apps, or social media, the list goes on. We are constantly focusing on how many likes we get on Instagram, or if someone retweeted our tweet, rather than what is going on outside of our little bubble. Especially kids, kids into today's society are always focusing on technology. Instead of going to the park or gathering up some neighborhood kids to play a game of capture the flag, kids hover over their tablets and play mine-craft or angry birds.

         I am 14 years old and yes I love technology, I love having a phone, and a computer right at my fingertips. These resources help me to communicate with friends and family, and organize my plans and school events. Even though I am surrounded with many wonderful technological resources I wasn't always dependent on them. When I was young I didn't have a tablet or phone, My first phone was in 7th grade. Most of my years as a little kid I played outside, built forts, and used my imagination. It wasn't until I was in middle school where technology became a huge part of my life.

         Today's society we go about our day based on technology, we have an alarm to tell us when to wake up, and reminders constantly telling us when our next history test is, or that volleyball practice got changed from 5 to 5:30. So you may ask how has technology affected our society? The answer is never ending. There's so many aspects of technology that many CAN'T live without. I just hope as an American society we don't miss out on the importance of life, when wrapped up in the latest new invention.    

This is a video made by Nature Valley, showing the impact technology has on kids in today's society, Nature Valley 3 Generations

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