Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The American Environment

       America is a very large country, and because of this our environment is different all around the country. For example, states in the north such as Michigan and Minnesota get very cold winters which brings a lot of snow. It gets cold! However, states in the south, such as Florida and Texas are warm year round. America has mountains (such as the Rockies out west and the Appalachian Mountains in the east), deserts, forest, rivers, lakes (the great lakes, for example) and a lot more. This means that there are many animals and plants that make the American environment unique and wonderful. Some animals that you can find here are deer, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, snakes, lizards, and so many more.

       Ever since America started urbanizing (moving to cities) back in the early 1900's, our amazing environment has been hurt.  Trees have been cut down for lumber, the oceans and air have been polluted, and landfills of trash have risen. This has hurt the wildlife, along with invasive species being introduced that mess up the food chain. Just like a lot of the world, some Americans do not care about preserving our environment, but many people have dedicated their lives to make sure that it stays great. Americans are not letting our environment slip away. I think preserving the environment is one of the most important things that we can can work towards. People work hard to preserve the environment by recycling, making parks to preserve land, and protecting endangered species.

       To watching the sun setting on the gorgeous great lakes to hiking through the forest searching for wildlife, America's environment is awesome. It is probably has the most unique environment in all the world due to the variety of places and ecosystems. It is so different throughout the country, and to see it all would be absolutely amazing. People enjoy the environment by hiking, canoeing, biking and just simply being outside.

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