Thursday, October 22, 2015

Food cuisine

Each continent has its own type of interesting cuisine one of which is the South East Asia more specific is Vietnamese cuisine. We have been known for "eat everything" where we would eat almost every part of our food products. Based on our geometry and weather factors it have created many ethics in each different region, each ethics created their own cuisine with different speciality, many different types of ingredients, seasoning but this are the contribution which made Vietnamese cuisine even more plentiful. Overall our meal often consists of rice, a vegetable and a meat dish, and some type of soup to eat with the rice. This is a cultural diet which uses lots of vegetables; it could be pickled, boiled, stir fried or even raw, meanwhile the amount of dishes containing nutrients from animals is eaten less. The most common meat we eat is beef, chicken, fish, and any type of shell fish, shrimp and dog meat, goat meat, snake meat are more uncommon type however people still enjoy eating them. These uncommon dishes are often known from a certain region’s traditional dishes and people eat these with wine in special occasion such as having guest, holidays etc. Other than that, Vietnamese are mostly Buddhist resulting many are vegetarian but they only eat vegetable on some certain day of the month. Another speciality of Vietnamese cuisine is that we aim for delicious dishes and ignoring the nutrition value which can cause us minor health diseases. As for seasoning and tasting, we always aim for balance seasoning, not too sweat, spicy or sour, and we merely mix different dishes together to keep the unique flavour of each dish. Last but not least we always have a small bow of fish sauce or soy sauce mix with some lemon juice, chilli pepper to enhance the flavour.

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