Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Recreation in America

Recreation plays a major role in the American culture yet many don't realize how much it has affected their lives. Almost every kid in the U.S. plays some sort of sport and it isn't always because they enjoy the activity. Peer pressure is a huge deciding factor and the norms of society encourage every child to get physical activity outside of school. The positives of this are that recreation causes a more physically fit group of people and the children are not cooped up all day on social media. However the stress of being pressured to play a sport can end up making the participant have their grades slip and issues at home occur. Not to mention, coaches of teams have gotten more and more strict about how the team operates. To them, they have to win every game and execute every play perfectly. A non motivated kid with that kind of person coaching them will not want to set a foot on the field or court. I have personally experienced through reffing that coaches will not filter what they say to their team. I have reffed an 8 year old team and their coach started yelling at them brutally for a pointless topic. Later on, he started verbally attacking me for a call I made. This shows that they are so focused on the game that they have no regard for the emotional level of the kids. However, sports in America are not all bad. A large amount of kids join for the passion they have for the sport and physical activity. It is evident that sports and recreation are a huge part in American culture.

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