Thursday, October 22, 2015

Aspects of Culture: Food in Vietnam

Hello, today i'm gonna talk to you about our Culture. So the first thing you'll want to know about our culture would probably be our food. So i'm gonna introduce to you guys the best foods in my opinion in our country.
The first dish you'll want to try will probably be "Pho", this is one of our best dish, you could just simply walk into any street to find this delicious food. The next one on my list would be "Bun bo Hue", this noodle brings to you meaty broth and piles of beef and pork. This thick slippery rice noodles is one of the best through all North and South. Then we have "Xoi" a sticky rice with lots of mix-ins like slithers of chicken, pork and fried or preserved eggs, which is so famous in Vietnam you can see this food roaming through everywhere in you go. "Banh cuon", we can't miss this dish on the list, this is one of the best food in Vietnam to me. These rolled up rice flour pancakes are the best when they just came out from the oven with hot temp which they're still soft and delicate, they're filled of minced pork and mushrooms then combine with the special bowl of sauce made just to dip those hot and delicious rolled up rice, what you get will be one of the best food you've ever tried. The last and the best dish in my opinion will be "Bun cha", this is the most chosen food when it comes to lunchtime. Just wait after 11 am and walk down any street and you will start to smell the smoke from the street-side restaurants grilling up meatballs and slices of marinated pork belly over a charcoal fire. And when they are crispy and mixed with a hot bowl of fish sauce-heavy broth, a basket of vegetables and a dish of rice noodles,
that's when you will be able to taste one of the most delicious food and popular food in Vietnam.

So that was my top list, give me your list when you come to Vietnam and taste the food in our country, i can tell you that, you will not be disappointed. 

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