Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Technological Entertainment in America

Entertainment is a vital component in the American culture. Our society is revolved around making things more efficient, but also entertaining. Many people are home bodies in our society, so part of that entertainment is created to have fun at home.

Life happens. You're too young to drive. You're home alone for the weekend. All of your friends are busy. If you're stuck at home and can't get out, there are so many ways of entertainment that can easily be obtained in your own home. In America, we have too many forms of technology. We have cell phones, computers, laptops, TVs, radios, smartphones, tablets, and much more. The downside - everything is viewed on a screen. Games are presented through technology instead of interacting with friends, we converse with each other through typing words and sending them to each of our pieces of technology instead of speaking to them face to face. The upside - there are so many different things that you can do with technology, such as watch videos, play games, draw, take pictures, edit photos, film videos, and much much more. If you have no one to talk to or spend time with, you can always just watch a movie, read, or do something on a piece of technology. Technology In some ways, technology can also bring people closer. If your grandmother lives in a different state, you can connect with her with a push of a button. 

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