Monday, November 30, 2015

The Fault in Our Stars by: John Green, November Reading Book

      For the month of November I read the book The Fault in Our Stars. The book is about a 16 year old girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster who has lung cancer. She has to carry around an oxygen tank so she will be able to breath. One day, while in her cancer support group, she meets a boy about her age named Augustus Waters who has osteosarcoma and only has one real leg because of it. Throughout the book they become really good friends and start dating. Together, with Hazels mom, they go to Amsterdam where they really connect.

      I decided to read this book because it seemed really good and interesting. I tend to lean towards the cheesy romance novels rather than the brutal fights and quests for adventure. But this book specifically caught my eye because one of my cousins had recently been cured of cancer and I wanted to know what having cancer was like, without getting sick.
      This book relates to American culture because it practically states what kind of love we want, but without the sickness. I feel that it also relates to our world because there are so many diseases and illnesses that are uncurable that people are trying to just live their life to the fullest.
       I definitely would recommend this book because it tells the story of life through the eyes of somebody who is expecting the end to come soon.  

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