Monday, November 30, 2015

Awake by: Natasha Preston

  My book, Awake by Natasha Preston, is about a fifteen year-old girl, Scarlett Gardner who lives in the United Kingdom. Scarlett doesn't remember anything before the age of four. But, when she gets into a car accident, she starts to remember childhood memories. Her parents purposefully hid her Scarlett's dangerous past and a secret that could kill her.
    I chose this book because I love books that are suspenseful and are unpredictable. This novel was exactly that. I would recommend this book because I couldn't put the book down. This book talked about things that you don't hear about very often. It makes you open your eyes little be more. To be more absorbent to your surroundings.
     This book was somewhat connected to American culture, not very much. The author lives in the United Kingdom and uses a lot of the dialect from the British culture. One way this is connected to American Culture is that, this book was originally published in Wattpad. Wattpad is an app for people to write and read. This app is really popular in the United States, that's how a lot of teenagers read. Also, in a way this book mocks Christianity. In the United States, 70 percent of the adult population are Christian. According to this article, America has the most followers for Christianity in the world. You can find a tremendous amount of passages in this book that mocks America… so, my theory is that this book mocks Christianity. In what way does this book mock Christianity? I guess you’ll have to read it to find out.


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