Monday, November 30, 2015

November Reading- A Thousand Splendid Suns


Different Perspectives

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a narrative about the hard lives of two afghan women, and how they learn to survive in a culture mainly based for the power of the men. The setting is in Herat, Afghanistan from the 1960’s to the early 2000’s, with the plot moving to Pakistan later in the book. It starts with Marian, the main protagonist is living with her stubborn mother and her father, Jalil, lives in a different house with three other wives. When Marians mother dies she is forced to live with her father and the three wives. The wives didn't take to kindly to her and forced her to marry a shoe maker, Rasheed at the early age of eighteen. Rasheed treats Marian kindly at first but then turns to both physical and verbal abuse because of the many miscarriages that she had. The story then turns to Laila, a young girl that lives with a loving family. The Political stresses of the time then set in, with the Taliban coming into town and impacting how her family lives. She finds comfort in a friend, and later is planning to marry him, when disaster strikes. She is forced to marry Rasheed to have a child with him. Both her and Marian try to escape the strong grip of Rasheeds terror, and if they do, what will happen to them next?
I chose to read this book because this has to deal with a subject that we are focusing on in class, women's rights, and rather the lack of them. Also I had read the first book in the series which was very good. I would recommend this book because it gives you a very deep and interesting perspective as to what these women have to go through. This book can represent American culture by explaining how contrasting our two cultures are, and shows how we are activists towards women having more rights and a stronger voice in society.

A Thousand Splendid Suns.gif

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