Monday, November 30, 2015

Independent Reading Book- "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"

Maddy Forshey
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
by Jesse Andrews

For my independent reading book this month, I chose a novel called, "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl". In this book, the main character is Greg Gaines, who will go out of his way to avoid any type of social interaction. Although, He has one friend named Earl, where they enjoy making films together that recreate their favorite movies. Everything is going just the way Greg planned until his mom is forcing him to reunite with his childhood friend named Rachel. The real downside of this matter is, Rachel has been diagnosed with leukemia and is becoming weaker each day. She loves to watch the films Greg and Earl make so her friend suggests to them  they make a film for Rachel. While making this film, they discover not just how their talents are limited, but also what it is like to stand in the spotlight for once.
One of the reasons I chose this book because of the good reviews and comments that my cousin mentioned to me. She said that it was filled with loss, acceptance and courage. So I immediately started reading and I just couldn’t put it down. Through Greg, Earl and Rachel the author send out a strong vibe of friendship which made it heartwarming, but also very moody with ups and downs which drew me in even more. I would recommend this book to any reader because of the comical and dark moments.
In America, 13,776,251 people were fighting cancer in the year 2012, making a lot of people able to relate to cancer in some sort of way. A huge part of american culture is fighting cancer, so many organizations and fundraisers are being created to find a cure for all types of cancer. With Rachel having to fight this, many readers will have much more sympathy because of how much they can relate. This also compares to american culture because of how brutally honest this novel is about life. In our country, things are not said with comfort, just the cold hard truth always seem to appear, not exactly what we would want to hear. The author presents this throughout the story by the main character narrating everything that is happening, not one bit is sugar coated.

Front cover:

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