Monday, November 30, 2015

Hunger Games The Mocking Jay (Spoiler Alert for Books 1 and 2!!)

The Hunger Games is a wonderful series written by Suzanne Collins. She brings life to what is happening in our world today that also happens in the stories that she writes. In the Hunger Games, people are starving and are forced into labour. Men and women both, are fighting to survive. In our world these things we pretend aren’t going on. When really it is happening all around us.  People anywhere at anytime always have a chance of being put out into the streets to starve. Or, making it harder for the people who already are in the streets. For instance, in the Mockingjay, a whole entire district was burnt down to the ground. A district being like a city. By using this she represents how people get out of homes for not paying enough. Or not having the freedom to own your very own house.

Suzanne also points out to us that  no one has actual freedom. You have to fight for it, or earn it, or even be born into it. Even today the certain families you are born into determine how you will live what struggles you face and how you are treated by others.

All this information can be clarified by reading the hunger games. A trilogy so good it is hard to believe. The first book, fast paced and hard to put down, the second, a little slow but still interesting. The last book, just as amazing as the first, maybe even more.

Katniss, a girl on fire, grew up on district 12. Joining a blood brawl by force she wins. Unexpectedly, then is thrown into another, only to find a rebellion helping her along. Katniss the girl on fire now has to deal with many deaths from the resistance, fighting to gain control of herself, rescuing Peeta, and saving all those innocent people. But how? Can she do it on her own? Will she crack or succeed? What twists will occur and what happens next?

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