Friday, March 4, 2016

Response the Vietnamese Questions About Movies

What are some of our favorite movies?

Our Favorite Movies: Some of our favorite movies are….. Star Wars series, Lone Survivor, Gladiator, Happy Gilmore, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Anchorman, Marvel and DC Comic movies (Superhero), Jurassic Park/World, Forrest Gump, and Ferris Buhler's Day Off.

Why do you like these genres?

Why we like these Genres: We like action packed movies but, we also like hilarious movies. I think we like action movies because it keeps you on the edge and it is very entertaining. Action movies are super exhilarating. We also like comedy movies because laughing makes people happy. Comedical movies are a good way to have fun and enjoy yourself. However, a lot of women and girls like romantic movies, and I have no idea why.

Why do you think that American movies become popular around the world?

We believe that American movies become popular around the world because America normally produces very good movies.  Since America is so big and popular, most of their movies get passed onto other countries, therefore leading to the American movies becoming popular around the world.  Most people admire the movies American’s make and have the urge to watch them.  Overall, America is very popularized and that is why American movies become popular around the world.

Who is your favorite director?

I don’t really have a favorite director, but here are a few popular ones that are good: Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Alfred Hitchcock.  There are many more, but those are just a few of the good ones.  Some other people may have different opinions on what directors they like.

Do you like 3-D movies?

I really enjoy watching 3-D movies depending on the type and quality of the movie. The only place to watch 3-D movies are at the cinema, and I think they make the movie seem much more realistic and interesting. I also really like 3-D movies because it makes me feel like I am part of the movie, and that I am existing with the characters. Watching movies in 3-D makes the movie more thrilling, exciting, and I truly enjoy watching 3-D movies more than regular movies. Some younger kids may be scared of the 3-D because it is almost too real, but there are only a select few. Others get sick from watching 3-D movies, as the motion is too much for them.
Do you prefer to watch movies at home or at the theater?

I prefer to watch movies at the cinema, mainly because the screen is huge compared to watches movies at home, and the movie overall has much more quality, and so does the sound. Plus the newest movies are the movies being played in Cinemas, which adds enjoyment to watching the movies. Cinemas also offer top notch snacks and beverages that make the movie more enjoyable. Others may prefer watching movies at home because it is not as expensive as going to the movies, plus there are not other people there that may ruin the movie by being loud or disruptive. However, there are also many perks to watching your favorite movies at home. For example you are in the comfort of your own home and don't have a three year old crying behind you. Also what is big in the United States is using Netflix, which is a service that gives you your favorite shows and movies in the palm of your hand.

What are some of your favorite Actors/Actresses?

There are many actors and actresses that our media loves. Some of the favorite actors are Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Robert De Niro, Will Ferrell, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Robert Downey Jr., Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Matt Damon and George Clooney. Some famous actresses are Jennifer Lawrence, Angelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock, Scarlett Johansson, Meryl Streep, and Jennifer Aniston. Many of these actors and actresses are very popular in our culture.

Have you ever watched any Vietnamese movies?

I myself have not seen any movies that are actually Vietnamese, but I have seen movies that are made about Vietnam such as Good Morning Vietnam, Platoon, and also The Deer Hunter. These movies all however pertain to the Vietnamese war and how it impacted America.

Do you like Vietnamese movies?

We have never seen any Vietnamese movies before. Our culture isn’t that big from movies from other nations across the world. They are probably good. What are the top Vietnamese movies?

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