Friday, March 4, 2016

Movie Responses by Jordan K, Zachary S, Riley B, Kendall O

- What kind of film do you like?
Action and Adventure Films
Sci Fi Films
Mystery and Suspense
- What are your favourite movies?
Star wars
Marvel’s Avengers
2001 A Space Odyssey
Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy
- Why do you like that kind of genre?
Keeps you awake and on your toes
Makes you think
Leaves you speechless
- Have you ever watched any Vietnamese movies?
We have not watched any Vietnamese movies unfortunately.
- Do you think that Vietnamese movies are good?
Since we haven’t seen any, we do not have a reliable opinion.
- Who is your favourite actor/actress?
Leonardo Dicaprio ((with an oscar)bear got an oscar first)
Ryan Reynolds
       Jason Bateman
James Dean
Will Ferrell
- Why do you think that American movies become popular around the world?
Because they show different culture from all around the world and collaborate will all cultures so more cultures and people will like it (also america is over populated)
- Who is your favourite director?
Albert Broccoli
Garth Jennings
George Lucas
Steven Spielberg
- Do you like 3D movies?
Yes especially with action movies, it makes the movie seem that much more real!
- Do you prefer to watch movies at home or cinema?
We prefer to watch at home as there are less to no people watching along with us so we can enjoy the movie in peace with free food and drinks and a comfortable couch. Also there are less commercials.

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