Friday, March 4, 2016


Hi guys, we are here to talk about movies here in America
Movie Answers

Q: What kind of film do you like?
A: Most people in America like a mix of all movie genres. A mix of comedy, romance, drama, and action never hurt anyone. However, some groups of people or fandoms (Groups of people who obsess over a tv show or movies or other forms of visuals) prefer more movies with a specific theme like sci-fi. It really just depends on the passion of a person.  

Q: What are your favourite movies?
A: The most favored type of movie in America are those movies that were books to begin with. A majority of the girls who read and watch these stories develop a loving for the entirety of the series and obtain a new fandom. Fan·dom ˈfandəm/
  1. the state or condition of being a fan of someone or something.
  2. the fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, etc., regarded collectively as a community or subculture.
These people are called fangirls. Fan·girl ˈfanɡərl/ noun
  1. an obsessive female fan (usually of movies, comic books, or science fiction).

Q: Why do you like that kind of genre?
A: People tend to like a certain genre because of their personality, so it varies from person to person.

Q: Have you ever watched any Vietnamese movies?
A: No, most people in America have never watched a Vietnamese movie.

Q: Do you think that Vietnamese movies are good?
A: Seeing as we have never seen a Vietnamese movie, we can’t be sure.

Q: Who is your favourite actor/actress?
A: Some of the famous actors here in America include Leonardo Dicaprio (He finally won an Oscar), Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games star), Tom Cruise (Mission Impossible star), Johnny Depp, or Morgan Freeman. All of these actors or actresses star in very popular movie series or appear in several movies that top the chart. Not to mention, some are very popular because of their looks.

Johnny Depp Morgan Freeman Jennifer Lawrence Tom Cruise

However, not all of the actors and actresses that are favored in America are from America. Some of the actors and actresses that are from elsewhere include Liam Neeson,David Tennant, Emma Watson,.

Liam Neeson David Tennant Emma Watson

Q:  Why do you think that American movies become popular around the world?
A: Well, America is referred to as the “melting pot”, meaning that America is a blend of many different cultures and people. This means that the actors and actresses in the movies are often from all over the world, so the movies are watched all over the world.

Q: Who is your favourite director?
A: America doesn't really recognize movies by directors, but one of the most name recognized director is Steven Spielberg. He has directed many classic movies such as Jaws, Jurassic Park and E.T. These movies that he directed were made decades ago, but are still popular. Another appreciated director is Peter Jackson who has directed the Lord of the Rings trilogy. These are just a few. What are popular movies in Vietnam? A lot of the directors that are popular produce action of  sci/fo movies.

Q: Do you like 3D movies?
A: They are very cool to see, and make the movie more real, but many people get headaches or complain of their eyes hurting from 3-D movies. So, really, it depends on the person.

Q: Do you prefer to watch movies at home or cinema?
A: How we watch movies has actually become a large part of American culture. While on the weekends, going out to the movies is still a popular activity, it is often known as a cliche in America, or cheesy. However, it occurs quite often being the location of a first date or a way to hang out with friends for teenagers. Families with small children will also go for entertainment; movie food and snacks, like buttery popcorn and slushies, have become a staple along with the action. In special instances with incredibly popular films, midnight premiers are often an exciting event that takes place. Often teenagers and young adults will attend, sometimes in costume or with special accessories, and will attend the first showing of a movie that normally occurs at 10pm or 12am. The cinema is still an iconic part of American culture with the food, the midnight premiers, and the opportunity to have fun with friends or go out on a date. Going to the movies is still a large American cliche and remains popular among the youth of the population.
Watching movies at home however as expanded, also incredibly popular with youth, but as grown past that as well. A big part of how we watch movies is through apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu plus, Vudu, and many more. From this we have developed phrases and jokes like “Netflix and Chill”. While these phrases don’t mean their literal meanings, often implying something sexual, they have stemmed from the significance that these services have had in the daily lives of many Americans. For $7.99 a month, a very affordable price for most middle-class Americans, Netflix has become one of the tops way to watch movies and TV shows becoming part of the teenage stereotype as well. Some people even opt out of paying for regular cable services since most have become so dependent on internet services instead. Services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime, have become a humongous part of American culture, but among youth more than anyone there are alternatives to streaming movies. We have websites like putlocker and megashare, multiple sites imitating the long-lost originals, where many will stream movies over the internet on their computers. This isn’t necessarily following the rules or laws of the U.S. but it often takes place among the teenages and young adults in the population. Either way, streaming from a service like Netflix on your TV or computer, or streaming from websites over the internet, this new accessibility has dramatically changed how the United States views movies and TV shows.qZtjvImM.pngap_colorado_2_dm_120720_wmain.jpg
<-----   A premiere for Star Wars.

Logo for Netflix, a popular streaming app          ----->

Questions For You
Q: What is pop culture like in Vietnam?
Q: Who are some popular singers and actors?
Q: What are your favorite Vietnamese movies?

Q: What is your favorite American movie?

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